Friday, April 10, 2009

Cell Phones

Omg cell phones. You use them all the time and your life is pretty much on your phone. So that is what I am going to talk about today. Ok so there are lots of different phones to choose from like blackberrys, iPhones, NVs,ect. So for all of you dummies who are reading this blog that own a cell phone but DO NOT know how to use it...... WHY ARE YOU READING THIS?!!?!?!?!? But on the other hand you could use a little help with this amazing gadgets. Ok soo I love having the conversation of what kind of phone do you have. So when you are having that genre of conversation do not just say "I don't know" or "I don't have a phone" because that just makes the convo go plop which is not good. So just list a couple phones you would like to have if you don't have a cell phone and if you can't remember ask someone who you know who would probably know what phone you have.(most likely someone who is jealous of the phone that you have.) So also when your phone is sorta dead like it's sorta slow but it still works. You know just write it down its not that hard just use your hands. Then when your phone gets working again you can put that info into your phone and vauala! You can use your phone again.