Friday, March 20, 2009


I hate being sick it sucks and seriously you miss the most exciting things when you are sick. Like today I'm missing the talent show at school and I'm the lead in what we are doing also there is this really evil girl who I know will take my spot just because she wants the spotlight. I am also losing my first chance to have a two day sleepover with my BFF and that totally bums me out. And I was supposed to have retaken a math quiz but I can't because I'm SICK!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I bet ur bff is pretty bumbed out about that too. She's most likely upset that no one informed her that the sleepover is canceled! I know she understands tho. She understand because you couldn't control whether or not you'll be sick! She fine now, but wishes that you where here!
    -Your Bff! (who is being yelled at from her mother)
    Hope u feel better!!!
